Dear Partners & Friends,

God is moving in this new season.  We are walking in God’s favor and experiencing open doors of opportunity, perfect peace, supernatural provision, the wisdom of God, mercy and His divine strength.

This month (September) we’ve been entering the "Courts of Heaven."  If you’re new here, the courts of heaven is a spiritual dimension accessed through our prayer life. We've been heavily teaching on this revelation in both South Africa and the USA since the Vertical Conference, and we’ve been learning a lot, to say the least. Know this, we are ALL over-comers by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony… And we love not our lives unto the death.

Our congregation at Celebration Church Johannesburg has been applying these truths, and the testimonies have been amazing!  New jobs, new breakthroughs, many healings in both children and adults, people receiving new houses, and more… The power of God is moving, but it's not just a new season for the believers in our South African church, it’s a new season for YOU as well.

Last week, as I was preparing for Prayer & Healing school, the Lord began to deal with me about praise and thanksgiving. It became obvious to me that we have not been praising and thanking God nearly enough for the overflowing blessings he bestows upon us.  We (the church) are often big on prayer, but consistently small on praise. It seems we have a tendency—when we are under pressure—to become inward, keep our mouths shut, and dwell solely on our circumstances. It is important to understand, whenever we are experiencing this type of pressure, it is not the time to be quiet! In these times, you need to open your mouth with praise and thanksgiving, because living a life of gratitude and thanksgiving is a magnet for miracles! You can shift your entire life in a new direction when you develop and express an attitude of thankfulness, combined with a grateful heart.  There is a spiritual force released when you give thanks and praise!


So I ask, do you want to be a magnet for miracles?  If the answer is yes, then I have a challenge for you for the next 30 days (at least the next 30 days)!  I’m asking all of you, to take the challenge with us!

Here goes…

No complaining about anything: the weather the traffic, lack of sleep, how tired you are, your boss, your job, your pastor, having no energy, lack of sleep, your spouse, your weight, your car, your kids, money, how hungry you are, how you feel exhausted. No complaints for 30 days about anything!   

I promise, if you commit to this, the challenge will bring about such a dramatic change in your life. The results of practicing a daily and consistent thanksgiving with praise and gratitude will be astounding.  

Do these two things for the next 30 days:

1) No complaining (we covered that)

2) Journal your gratitude (write down one thing you're grateful for every day)


I believe dreams, opportunities, and financial breakthroughs will begin to come to pass as you make this a daily lifestyle habit. You will see amazing things happen in your lives and in your ministries! Keep a journal of the significant things that are taking place during this time of focused gratefulness (no matter how big or small they seem). By doing this, I believe you will see such significant growth and breakthrough that you'll want to continue with this challenge beyond just the 30 days!  

We all have problems and circumstances we wish were different. I'm not suggesting you ignore all your hardships and struggles, but I am suggesting that no matter what, you hold on to an attitude of gratitude.  Just because something isn't going the way you planned, or a situation has become beyond your control, it doesn't mean God is not with you... He is greater than anything this world could throw at you, and if you keep him at the center of it all, nothing will derail you from having a cheerful, thankful and grateful spirit.

So for the next 30 days, express only gratitude (without any complaining). During this time, write down something every day that you are thankful for. Then let me know what happens in your life after completing the challenge! (Email me. Facebook message me. Send me a message on Whatsapp). Again, we are not ignoring our hardships and struggles, but the quickest way to get God's help in an area is to give Him thanks and praise.  

1 Thessalonians 5:18 says we are to give thanks in all circumstances. You’re not thanking God for the problems in life, but you are thanking God while you’re “in” the problem situation. The quicker you get your attitude right, the faster your circumstances will change. Don't wait until the circumstance changes to get happy and change your demeanor. Learn to, "Enjoy where you are on the way to where you are going!"  Paige and I have learned to ENJOY THE JOURNEY, and we’re NEVER turning back!

God Bless You and have a THANKFUL next 30 days!

Pastor David