Destiny Driven

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Destiny Driven


With your donation, you will receive the Destiny Driven book. Description below:

Destiny Driven is a practical, spiritual guide to taking your life with God to the next level. Book topics include transforming situations, changing dreams to realities and learning how your response determines your destiny. These truths will help you get your dream off the ground so you can fulfill your God-given destiny. As you learn to trust God and take the necessary steps in achieving your dreams, the “how” will begin to unfold. With God, the future always holds more, not less. David's teachings and testimonies will help you discover (or rediscover) your own destiny and navigate your way through the adventure of this vital truth. 

You will learn:

  • How to take your dreams to the next level
  • God's divine plan for your life
  • ow to dream big and succeed
  • How your passion drives your destiny
  • Why God wants you to enjoy life's journe
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